We had to wait in a really long line to get into the aquarium and the place was packed. I guess we weren’t the only ones that thought the aquarium was a good idea! Here are some pics of the beautiful animal life at the aquarium. The first couple of pictures are of the Leafy Seadragon, which we were suprised to learn was not a piece of floating seaweed. Unbelieveably cool.

Of course they were obsessed with the piranhas—boys will be boys! (Although I did also find them quite fascinating myself) The seahorses are in the next picture, Can you find them? They camouflage very well!

These Rockhopper penguins were feeling a little warm so they were standing (or sleeping) in front of a fan. In February. Well, I guess if you are a penguin it makes sense.

Here we are outside the Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall. We went to see the Great Hall but it was closed for maintenance! Wouldn’t you know!

And of course Pedro couldn’t go home without the obligatory photo with Norm!

It was great to have Pedro visit and great for JC to spend some time with one of his oldest friends. It also got us through another week of February. Only one left! We are actually feeling much better because the sun is out until about 5:30 now and we can walk and run outside again. It makes a difference, but we are going to be glad to see March arrive.
Next time I will be posting about all the ways I have maimed myself in the past week. Yes, maimed. Just in case you think I am too negative about February.
Till next time!
1 comment:
I wish I was there. At least you have somewhere to get out to when you want to do something. Not much to do in Sanpete county. I can't wait for February to be over too. I am so ready for Spring and I am having a hard time excepting 40. but whether I like it or not it's coming and there is nothing I can do about it. Love, Sarah
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