We have had a very long year and have made it through our first New England winter. It has been a little more difficult for me to adjust than it has been for Juan Carlos. I am not sure why. I think it is a lot of things together: the extremely high cost of living, the job that doesn't pay enough, (Boy, has my testimony of paying tithing grown!) or maybe just the fact that people are not that friendly here. We have made some commitments though, and it looks like we are not going to be giving up on New England anytime soon.
The bad news: Massachusetts is too expensive for us. There is no decent place in the state where we can afford to purchase a home. (Where do all these people work that they can pay $300,000 for a two bedroom house built in 1850?) Also, taxes are astronomically high and health care is almost unaffordable. I always thought that the health care issue was no big deal, but the truth of it is that isn't a big deal in North Carolina. It is in Massachusetts.
The good news: We are moving to Rhode Island. We found affordable housing in Pawtucket and so we are about to become homeowners for the first time. Unfortunately the affordable housing does not run to actual houses. So we are starting with a condo. Maybe someday we will have a house! (Pics below)
The bad news: My job (and job enviroment) has been very difficult. I have discovered recently that I am making a lot less than even public school teachers. The mistake I made was thinking that a Catholic school in North Carolina (which I loved) is the same as a Catholic school in Massachusetts. It's not the same (except for the salary!)
The good news: I have found a new position (hopefully a permanent one) at the Wheeler School in Providence. I will be teaching AP Spanish there. This will be a challenge but I am looking forward to it. It is better money (not a lot but enough) and a much needed change of atmosphere. It will be nice to get back to an independent school setting, as well--it fits my teaching personality more.
The bad news: One sad thing is that our ward here in Massachusetts has been one bright spot in a difficult year. We are really going to miss it.
The good news: We haven't ever been in a bad ward so we are looking forward to getting to know the members in Rhode Island.
Some random good news: We went for a walk tonight and saw a whole lot of Canadian geese with their goslings. It made me happy beyond all reason. (Pic at the bottom)
It has been a hard year. But we still feel that this is where we are supposed to be, and the Lord has provided the way and the means.

Oh Annie, I so hear you about the hard year. I dont' think we've ever had a harder year...for many of the same/similar reasons.
Congrats on the condo! It's beautiful and looks like it will make a nice home. You will have fun making it yours.
Wow, Annie, that's great news about the move to RI! Congratulations! The condo looks beautiful, and being a homeowner is great because you can do whatever you want to make it your own.
I'm sorry to hear about your hard year. We're actually making a move to Ohio soon, since Mark (FINALLY!) got offered a teaching position. I'll miss the water, the ward and our house, but other than that, I'm elated to be going to a bigger city!
Tell JC hi for us!
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