On a different note, school will be over (finally) next week. The end of every school year is hard for me. I love my students and have a great time with them, but at the end of the year they walk away and you never know whether you actually contributed something to their lives. I think part of this is feeling tired and worn out. I have asked some colleagues, however and they admit to feeling the same way. I suppose teaching is different from most professions because you do not see the results of your work; indeed, they run out the door at the end of the year and you never see them again! So I am always a little sad at the end of the year. I will miss my students and I hope they will remember something from Ms. Martín's class.
I am more than ready for the year to be over, but the summer is going to be busier than I would like. I will be spending a good part of July and August in Utah and also attending the wedding of my sister in Austin, TX. All of these things are wonderful and I am excited about the visits, but I wish I didn't have to spend so much time on airplanes! :-)
And on a last note, Juan Carlos and I went fishing off Cape Cod for our 7th anniversary last weekend. We had a great time. Here is a picture of Juan Carlos at one big moment.
So will you be in Utah on the 4th? We'll be up there from the 2nd-the 5th.
We have terrible karma. I arrive in Utah on July 5th at 10:30 at night. I stay until the 20th, and then we are both coming back from the 1st to the 15th of August, but the 9th though the 12th we will be in Austin. How is that for complicated? I hope I get to see you. It has been far too long!
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