Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Nothing Wall

Okay, so almost TWO years after we moved in, we are finally getting around to decorating our house. We got all the painting done at Christmas and a few other things going in the last month or two:

Pardon the pile of trash on the table!

Sue, there is a special something for you in these two!!!!

Anyway, here is the problem. I have no idea what to put on walls in the first place, so I copied things from other people's houses that I like and so far, so good. But I have one big, empty wall and no idea what to do with it. More sconces? Pictures? Paintings? Leave it empty? Hang a plant? Something more creative? This is where I am a total incompetent. I just don't know. And if I don't do something, it will be Christmastime again before I make a decision. (And don't think I don't know how much like my Mom that makes me!)

So, to the point!!! I am in need of decorative genius and I am calling on all of my friends and acquaintances for assistance. What do YOU think I should do with my Nothing Wall? Post an idea in the comment section below before next Wednesday (3/4) and if I use your suggestion you will win a prize!!!!! And I promise it will be better than the ¡Fantástico! pencils I give my students. I can't wait to hear your ideas.

Monday, February 09, 2009

How I Know I Did Not Marry An American

Tonight we were watching the Westminster Kennel Club Dog show while we were grading papers. We were watching the hound group and one of these came up to be judged:

Juan Carlos promptly said:

"Look! The Wipe-It!"