Anyway, here is the problem. I have no idea what to put on walls in the first place, so I copied things from other people's houses that I like and so far, so good. But I have one big, empty wall and no idea what to do with it. More sconces? Pictures? Paintings? Leave it empty? Hang a plant? Something more creative? This is where I am a total incompetent. I just don't know. And if I don't do something, it will be Christmastime again before I make a decision. (And don't think I don't know how much like my Mom that makes me!)
So, to the point!!! I am in need of decorative genius and I am calling on all of my friends and acquaintances for assistance. What do YOU think I should do with my Nothing Wall? Post an idea in the comment section below before next Wednesday (3/4) and if I use your suggestion you will win a prize!!!!! And I promise it will be better than the ¡Fantástico! pencils I give my students. I can't wait to hear your ideas.
The issue is making whatever you put on the nothing wall balance with the shelf that you have on the adjoining wall.
I would want to put a giant picture there, but it will be too heavy against that shelf. So I'm thinking three smaller pictures, but not too small. Maybe 11x14 frames. (personally I'd do photos, because that's my favorite.) And then since that will still be too heavy, I'd put three or five smaller frames under the shelf to balance it out.
That's what I think I'd do looking at it.
I so love the colors though....it looks so cozy! I want to come live with you.
Hey, Annie! I would put up artwork on both walls. (The really tall vase thingy looks like it's touching the ceiling. If it is, you should consider changing that.)
You two should sort through your pictures and find two beautiful, coordinating shots to print up poster size and frame them. Don't you guys have some nice trips you've been on? You could put up beach shots from the Canary Islands, or the mountains of NC,...That way, it's something beautiful on it's own, but evokes good memories as well. It will really help to personalize the space. Also, it's not too expensive (if you get presized frames, maybe a custom mat) if you want to change the pictures down the road.
Good luck!
Okay, I love Lara's idea of putting smaller pictures below the floating shelf. I would do three small pictures of either artwork or photos under the shelf. Then I would put a big mirror on the empty wall- probably a big round one. I love the style- it's really cute!
I think that it should be on the big side, to balance out the smaller things on the adjoining wall. One idea is a tapestry. The hanging rod would "match" the shelf. There are some beautiful ones that would match your decor @ allposters.com. Another fun idea that you're crafty enough to pull off is a stenciled wall clock. Check it out:
Geesh, I thought I'd be the first to post, and the competition is already ON!!! My idea is actually touched upon by nearly all of the previous commentaries, with bits and pieces coming from each. So -- let me "second" some of the suggestions:
1. The shelf behind the couch indeed must be moved down as the Leithead Fam. suggested. Much too high even w/o the vase. Don't move it until you decide what to do w/ the Nothing Wall though, as this may help determine the proper placement.
2. Second Susanna's idea to put a mirror on the Nothing Wall (N.W.). Not sure about round or rectangular though, again, depends on the adjoining wall. Pottery Barn has some wonderful styles to check out (though I would NOT buy from them unless you and JC feel like throwing 600 bucks away, in which case you can send it to me!) One option would be for a large round mirror on N.W. and then two small, concave mirrors on either side of the shelf. (Starburst type mirror is cool). This would give you some rounded edges (tying the loveseat, couch shapes in) paired w/ the sharper-edged coffee table and shelf.
3. I also second the Leithead Fam's recommendation to put up items that are meaningful to you. Perhaps instead of the concave mirrors on either side of the shelf, you could do some round frames w/ Alaska pics or the like (I seem to remember a beautiful pic of some raspberries that your brother took. . . )
Good Luck -- and have fun w/ it. A recommendation for where to find some great decor items -- Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and believe-it-or-not, Big Lots. Love, Maria
Thought about this some more...and I think you should see if you can find some old opera posters.
I have a book of them, that I am saving to frame someday, and they would look so pretty in that room, because the colors go really nicely. I also found some small greeting cards of opera posters that I want to somehow use, so those would be nice on the other wall with the shelf.
If you don't put pictures under the shelf, I agree that it should be moved down, but I like it that high if it has some weight under it.
I'm not original here, but I agree with the photos suggestions - maybe wedding, travel, and dog? I'd go with black and white photos if you have them for a nice contrast with the wall. But it already looks great!
Just so you know- if I win- I want my prize to be a visit from you this spring hee hee!
I just have to say that those pink walls are stunning! Just beautiful. You have one secure man to let you paint them pink! hehe
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