Friday, February 26, 2010

Truly Pathetic

This morning I was in a panic because I knew I needed to be at work by 7:30am. I knew it was terribly important, but I could not for the life of me remember why. I knew I had to return the field trip bag from the day before so I did that when I first got in, but I was convinced there was something vital that I was forgetting. I thought maybe I had set up a review for a quiz I was giving that day, or maybe a meeting with a student or an advisee. So I got to school and went to the office to pick up some forms for  my AP class and the dean of students came out of the principal’s office and said “ Hey! Glad you could make it!, We’ve just gotten started!” I arrived just in time for  a major appointment with school administration. Was it on my calendar? Yes. For some reason, though, it didn’t show up on my Outlook when I checked it in the morning.  How could I not remember that? I had been thinking about it all week! What on earth is the matter with me?!?!!?

It continues…

For the last two days I have been searching for my work keys. I have a filing cabinet I can’t get into unless I have them.  I have gone through every pocket that I have. I have torn apart my desk. I have gone through every drawer and closet in the house. It looked like I was going to have to send out a memo to the whole school asking if anyone had seen my keys.

Well, after this crazy week we came home to take care of some much needed catch-up chores. We were working in the kitchen and JC was putting some dishes in the dishwasher and all of a sudden he said “Guess where your work keys are?”

Here is where they were (no judging, please!):


Now I am going to sleep for 12 hours and then see if I can put myself back together.


Erin said...

Well, at least you're getting some really great stories out of all this!

And you have your keys back. :D

John and Sarah Thomas said...

Are you pregnant?