Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Use Your Imagination

It has not been a good couple of weeks for me physically. Normally February is crazy and this year is no exception. There is so much to get done that I sometimes get into task completion mode and don’t pay attention to what I am doing. That is a bad thing for my body. Here are the top 3 maimings of the last two weeks: (I do have pictures of all of this but will spare you—just imagine what it looks like)
#1. One of my students left a backpack in the doorway of my classroom. Of course I came through the door at top speed and said “¡Buenos días!” like I do every day, promptly tripped over the backpack and fell flat on my face after throwing my computer across the room. I now have green and purple knees and a cracked computer casing. But for once my Spanish 2 class was speechless! You probably would have been, too.
#2. One thing we dream about is having a house with enough closet space. We keep a lot of stuff in the closet, so it gets complicated when we have to dig under some things to get at other things. Our closets have textured plaster walls. I was after something last week and was in a hurry as usual, and as I pulled what I needed out from the bottom of the closet I lost my balance. I didn’t let go of the box I had grabbed (it took me too long to find it!)  but it did scrape along the textured wall and so did the knuckles of my right hand, hard enough to leave some of my hand behind on the wall. Owwwwwwwww.
#3. Pedro went back to Spain last Sunday, and I rushed home from church to get lunch ready so he and JC could eat before they headed out to the airport. I was cutting bread with vim and vigor, not paying enough attention, and managed to cut the middle finger of my left hand with the serrated bread knife. And of course there was not a Band-Aid to be found in the house, since we don’t even have time to go to the store, so we were trying to bandage it with tape and toilet paper. (We did eventually find a Band-Aid in the first aid kit in the car)
Honorable Mentions:
Playing with Luna and getting smacked in the face by her occipital bone. Tripping over Luna on the stairs and twisting my ankle. Burning myself on the steam from the casserole dish in the oven.

4 more days of February to get through. Hopefully I will live to post again.


Kelly said...

Here's to hoping you're alive to make it to the game tomorrow night!

John and Sarah Thomas said...

Poor Annie! Thanks for the laugh I needed it.

Lara Neves said...

Annie, be careful!

I misread the last one and thought you wrote that you cut your middle finger OFF. I was freaking out a little bit, and wondering why you would think only a bandaid was okay, but then I reread.

I'm glad you still have all your digits.